Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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Baustelle-Monks of the West

While two years ago on February 1-awaited release date of Amen - depression with anxiety and panic attacks because of my addiction baustelliana, these days I prepared for the new release of the Tuscans clear mind listening again to their discography, a bit 'like when you browse a photo album before seeing an old friend.
No surprise: Baustelle the first two discs are unreachable dead and buried, the vein electronic lo-fi and sometimes disappeared with the departure of the second pillar of the group, keyboardist Fabrizio Massara. Monks of the West insists then the vein pop-rock/cantautoriale started and continued with the underworld Amen. The latter, between organs and string quartets, was an experiment that many plays after bankruptcy can be defined by a conceptual point of view before the musical and lyrical. This does not bode good, and this is my expectation to make me pessimistic assessment of the new job better than I would probably not know the background of the group. It Monks the Bianconi now continues in part to the model-moralizing Amen (St. Francis , the title track), now plays the role of chansonnier loser that suffers for love (topic in which our hero Excel), borrowing from the perspective of almost forty twenties. If before we trembled a little 'blue and pains of existence useless, now cry over that time flies, and what remains . The search of escape from the Western society is complete. We have realized that it had the ability or the courage to leave and then seeks salvation disregarding the reality. From the gentle opener (reminiscent at times Cin Cin) to the final ballad (very good test of Rachel, it does not happen often) the disc flows well blended. Notwithstanding the foregoing imbalance for me now saying that the minimum objective, make a record better than previously has been reached. Autosmentite expect maybe the hundredth listen.


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