Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Macbook Pro 13 Rhino 4

The Bad Lieutenant - Call New Orleans

The feature I most horny in a director (in addition all'oculatezza in choosing the protagonists of his films) is the ability to shoot, if necessary, films that would reconcile the good taste pop corn, leaving in the drawer depth of field, reflections and all the paraphernalia of the author metatextual Europe.
do not know if Herzog is new to such operations, but after saw his Bad Lieutenant I really hope it continues like this, because this semi-remake of Ferrara, by the way, a bomb.
You know the way it celebrates the Tarantino film "detective" (ok, he's more on the side of the gangsters, but the concept is the same) taking them to extremes and making epically ridiculous? In this film it is exactly the opposite because the setting is rather serious and realistic, and the situations are probably so close to the reality that the effect given by the intrinsic humor of parody, not always clearly sought, it is overflowing. Nicolas Cage is simply dazzling in the title role, with a style partly Nicholson, but much more rude and dirty, with terrifying exploits as the interrogation scene with the two old ladies is one of the funniest things since the days of illness to Berlusconi. E 'inherently fun, even the arc of the story and especially the random manner in which the various plot-lines come to an end, with the main character and more incredulous as the audience for the series of blows ass capitategli.
Okay to make it short The Bad Lieutenant is a great cool, you know? Fast-paced, funny, sketches and peasant, not to be missed.


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