Friday, March 26, 2010

Fort Worth Rabbit Cage

Autechre - Oversteps

The tenth record of AE in the new decade brings them turning the page after four fantastic and hard enough appreciated and resurfaced with a little 'of what the two were when they were still human. Oversteps Paraculo is not a return to origins, its continuity with Quaristice is quite evident at the level of sounds, and ambient vein In highlighting is that of the last pieces of the album in 2008, certainly not that of Amber, said this is impossible not to notice the gap between this new work, and those years of zero, if only for a new-found accessibility-as the term may be applied to Autechre-LP5 I'd probably go back, the their most accessible, as well as the last one before the implosion.
Good news then for the lazy Untilted detractors, this time can perhaps be limited to 4-5 plays in the same order and be able to get away from a spider hole. For followers
the speech is a bit 'different, in all honesty I do not feel disappointed, because Oversteps is not a bad record, or because as a transition is quite soft, however, both because I could not wait for B & B continued to let me blow your head with each new release, but inevitably after breathing the pure air, and have been taken to unimaginable heights which had come our heroes (and in this case use the term without any intention ironic / make) go back under the clouds brought with it the inevitable aftermath of nostalgia and regret, as there is no way to complain about what goes on in the convent.
If you have set your heart at rest-or if you've never thought it was a religious experience Confield in the first place-Oversteps is a record that deserves your time.


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