Thursday, March 18, 2010

Electronic Fake Fish Bowl

Virginiana Miller-the first Monday of the world

I Virginiana, alternative pop band from Livorno defined only why do not mainstream, belong to the writer of that sphere of artists who hit the first approach, which remains loyal lifetime, more or less. The truth about tennis is a little gem that has accompanied me in a gray period of my life and although I did sense that something beyond a certain threshold this group can not go, this did not prevent me to download their debut desecrated Ice Cream (half a disappointment) and do not stop me from listening, in the future, their outputs. Theirs is an essential pop, with lyrics mostly melancholic and imbued with something that I might call humility. They have no great pretensions, if not the how to pull some of their more famous colleagues, tell their stories and in more than one case can do so effectively, attracting so my sympathies.

the first Monday of the world is not a bad record, but it is certainly memorable. In a sense, is the summary of what I wrote above: it includes both listening to the nature and the limits of the group (except that if you really want to go one shot, download the truth). The new tour starts in Rome, where he will perform at the Artists' Club tomorrow, Friday 19, the modest price of 6 euros. Support the indie scene!


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