Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ideas For Thirdbirthday Invitationwordings

Alice in Wonderland

Going to the cinema expecting the shit of the century, it is predictable that come out thinking that after all there is so bad, and the question is exactly what has happened to me with the latest film-alas - Timmy fallen.
The film is however not in itself very interesting, and I have therefore decided that I will talk about putting it in parallel with Avatar because there are several points of contact between the two works.
Beyond. In fact, the fucking story with the clash between good and evil, and all the crap moraluccia final account that the two films share, Alice made me re-evaluate a bit 'behind the technological effort Avatar, which has a point of view, say, "professionalism", humiliate the competitor down the line, since the CGI fantasy in that it moves the Wasikowska (: wub:) often seems put together with two francs, compared in the last blockbuster of Cameron who was instead quite credible.
must be said that this fact hurts as much as improved Alice Avatar: little. These distortions end up being the item in fact perhaps more genuinely Burton film packaged in a canonical way too safe and not to mourn for the old things, and that is saved by reaching an (unexpected) plateau of decency only thanks to another thing missing on Avatar, or a handful of great actors.
Hathaway is not in its best-in fact I think I'll have to revise Brokeback Mountain, in a scene you see her tits and it should be enough to restore my worship, but Bonham Carter and Depp are really cool, it is worth seeing the movie just for them, and do not say this to some bias towards the previous two.
then Alice is not the destruction, given the pitiful scenggiatura, could be, but it is a film rather lazy and unpretentious, nothing to be proud too.


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