Friday, December 31, 2010
Can You Have Chills With A Gallbladder Attack
My good omen for the year just started comes from the Greek of the seventh century BC, precisely one of the most profound poets and irreverent of his time: Archilochus.
Here are his words:
Come, my soul, beset by misfortune without remedy
rise, opposes the chest to the enemy and defend;
not retreat in front of their pitfalls.
And, if you win, do not take pride in public,
if you win, do not cry prostrate at home.
Enjoy the joys, but not too much, and in sorrow for the misfortune
not lose a sense of proportion.
Recognize the pace at which dominates men.
Good principle
Friday, December 24, 2010
How Many Calories 3 Pizza Slices
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Finger Pain From Golf
download the song on this link: 2Bbasterebbe%%% 2Bniente 2Bft.Rayden 252CMekoslesh%%% 2528prod.James %% 2BCella 2529_Bomber 2BCitro.rar /
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How To Build A Welded Wire Fence
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
How Many Combinations With 8
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Klucz Seryjny Do Mount Ad Blade
''Convergences''Parallele home studio is our reference point for the recording and production of the pieces at 360 ° for the past 4 years.
If you want to use the services of recording, mixing and production you can contact me on: facebook
(private message): Wairaki mekoslesh
skype: mekoslesh.maxtack
myspace: / mekoslesh
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Hepl With Disability In Michigan
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Toe Is Swollen For No Reason
"It's a story a bit 'rubbish', someone would say, exactly thirty-five years after the death of one of the greatest prophets that this country lay crying, being here from the weight of his words. "The consumer society needs men weak, so luxurious," Pasolini wrote about "The World" on August 28, 1975, echoes the infamous homophobic joke of our Prime Minister that delivered today, the anniversary of the murder of Ostia, has a bitter taste. The same measure winds in the alleys, in the street, between those who recognize in this lifestyle, but no one had ever dared to shout. Now finally disgust has a label visible and recognizable, that Pasolini attributed to the "petty bourgeoisie", the kingdom of hypocrisy and double standards, disguised as innovation and progress. "We must be progressive in another way," thundered the columns of the Corriere della Sera, October 18, 1975, "invent a new way to be free", especially by the rhetoric of tolerance and progress, admitting "the failure of tolerance. " Strong words, difficult to understand for those who do not learn to read the historical events of this country by a short memory. Pasolini went on stressing that "learn a little 'history makes sense only if it is projected into the future the possibility of a historical culture."
Friday, October 29, 2010
Flossing That Causes Infective Endocarditis
is out the latest issue of the journal MicroMega and, as happens once a year, is devoted to scientific subjects. The magazine writes the illustrious names of Italian and international scientists and, as usual, the editorials are intended to demonstrate the falsity and absurdity of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreationism, that too now pervades academia and education, not only in Italy. Indeed, the creationist idea is so absurd and crazy, from the standpoint of scientific and theological, not even deserve to be mentioned more. So why waste each year enlightened scientists rivers of ink to remove a building which alone can not stand? Why those who dispute Darwinism has to be considered an outright creationist and not, for example, a supporter of the theory of punctuated equilibrium? Why in fact continue to equate Evolutionism and Creationism, as creationists want? My personal answer is that talking about God increases sales!
The Creationism is an idea born in Europe, in opposition to Darwinism . Emigrated from here in America, where religious areas (especially Christians and Jews ) controlled a large slice of public opinion, and if the popularity of contending with strokes, a bit 'as a TV show. The power of these groups is still so strong that the idea is back in vogue. In comparison, the interference of "our" Vatican is almost laugh!
The reasons for conflict are that it excludes from the Evolution History of Man need for God, while the Darwinian revolution has brought to the center of the study natural science and secular setting. While the religious gooders saw nature as a gift from God, on the other hand, there was in fact the existence of a nature that supports the creation of many more puppies than they could and did survive the death differential his instrument. This thought went to feed two important currents that arise and develop on horseback between the nineteenth and twentieth century: the Dialectical Materialism (which was support to publicize the class struggle) and Racism (supported by the so-called social Darwinism). So now the scientific debate has been confused with something else, an excuse for making a choice of field. It is clear, however, that Darwin only interested in a new and likely explain the functioning of life, looking at the Biosphere in a now secular. The scope of discovery is comparable to that of Kepler, Newton, Galileo and Einstein: So anyone today claiming to be a scientist (even believers) can not deny evolution.
Who says scientist creationist, claiming to prove the existence of a generative force transcendent origin of the Universe, an oxymoron makes a scientific and theological offense. In answer to these well-educated people and respected scientists of the caliber of R. Dawkins and P. Odifreddi have easily proved the nonexistence of God, with much more convincing evidence of those who would prove the nonexistence of evolution! Those involved (like myself) of Science and Science Education would also be happy with that. Yet already
Gaber had understood: "Someone was a communist because he was an atheist so he needed another God." In fact, once demonstrated the absurdity of creationism, the danger of religion (Christianity above all) and the nonexistence of God, you start to affect the sentiment of the same faith as you would desecrate God's body after killing him; but God, if there does not die, if there can not be killed! Perhaps it is an attempt to recover a lost that divine spark, but the Science, by its nature, it may not have nor want. It lives of doubt and experimentation, while living in the religion of dogma and of contemplation, the two irreconcilable Pillars of Time!
dedicate to the conclusion of the second article MicroMega October (EC Scott), who threatens to remove a wrong word all the effort of those who promote really, with the Research and Education, the idea of \u200b\u200bEvolution: Creationism is not a theory. Who gave him this name equates evolution, ignoring that is simply not true.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Pain Disorder Of Sale Lady
uninformed citizens believe to decide.
uninformed and the best way to give orders
Monday, October 4, 2010
Cheap Wedding Programs
These days I am close to my two young friends who have had a disagreement. Carry two names entirely fictitious, of course, because what interests me is not to focus on the story itself, rather the way to deal with it.
Miriam was the idea of \u200b\u200binvolving his friend Paul in a small project. The proposal, Paul found himself crowded out and contact me for advice. The first thing I thought, and I said, is that in fact the couple were stocked in a strange way, because the two, despite knowing for years, have always had difficulty communicating with each other. However, I felt that there was nothing that a little 'patience and commitment (and perhaps a little' help) could not be resolved. My point of view-from "outside" - was that the proposal seemed interesting, although difficult to achieve. So I recommend Paul to think first of whether the project's interest, then to deal with on this basis, the problems with Miriam.
few days later I hear also Miriam. She explains the story from their point of view and tells me that it does nothing. At this point, wondering what had gone before to be addressing Paul, then to give up so fast: the answer that gives me start to meditate.
Miriam - I thought of Paul, because I thought we compensate, but now that I have not responded so I mean to continue the project with him.
Paul - In the end I said no, because I had proposed in a manner not satisfactory, then gave me answers that made me give up.
at first seem reasonable answers, weighted according to the difficulties of communication. However, the tone was bitter, the sting ... almost offended! As if the responsibility for the failure resided exclusively in the attitude of the other, and the reasons were not anything personal. From the outside you could take a few nuances: on the one hand Miriam has been conducting a purely theoretical point of view (similar to mine, except that she was "internal"), on the other Paul responded, without giving the ' impression to choose for themselves.
So, I asked Miriam if her motivation was sufficient to overcome the difficulties with-prevedibilissime-Paul, Paul and Miriam whether the proposed interest to him, apart from the difficulties of communication. In any case, I received a reply: Believe it or not, in the end I could not tell if the project that would involve really wanted to follow them. Although almost economically " weighed the difficulties, in fact, none of them had really made a budget with itself and with its arguments. Probably, there was an epilogue that was the only possible, but I wonder: what has driven the decision?
years of ideologies and utopias, which gave guidance were the great dreams of the masses. When ideologies have collapsed and left surviving any plans to guide personal choices. The basis for judging a project, however, is different from that for an ideal: the project is expected to be real and credible. Since the project is linked to its proponents, the focus has slowly shifted from the idea to people. As I heard at a recent seminar on communication in the Catholic Church, in fact, the values \u200b\u200bof sincerity and fidelity to oneself driving choices by only fifteen years, while first loyalty to an ideal stepping over that.
It is perceived, then, during the '90s, a shift ineffable utopia, the real person, mail suddenly at center stage. Someone started talking about domination of relativism and tried to fix it, patching old ideals without worrying if indeed correspond to popular sentiment, without grasping, then, nor teach the importance of the individual as the center of gravity and making the twenty-first century. This lack of "education for individuality", has brought deep loss, to the point that you do not even have the basics to make small choices: the reaction of others becomes the only lifeline concrete, tangible. As has happened to Paul and Miriam.
is the definitive dismantling of the individual. Being understood as a self (I do not care so much because of what I want is impossible or too tiring), is intended as another (which only becomes my mirror or my alibi).
The economic crisis of this era, reflects the social distress which he poured in: a little money do not prevent people to survive (at least in the West), but greatly reduce the basis for investing in the future. A sociological level, the sentiment is similar: first to continue a project, regardless of desires and aspirations, assessing whether there is support from the outside, then proceed accordingly, but without choosing. The problem is that now feels strong lack of courageous decisions.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Where Does Smokers Develop Infection ?
I read the book in one breath of Piergiorgio Odifreddi " Why can not we be a Christian and I was so caught up that even my girlfriend is jealous! The book struck me extremely, because my university and professional training makes me a scientist, but even more because my background makes me a Catholic man. In the frantic pleading and radical indictment of the author (which is acceptable in most parts) I could identify three fronts of attack, they can surgically strike many weaknesses of the cultural and theological spread also to Catholic Christianity and Judaism in general: the historicity of the biblical narrative, establishing the Catholic hierarchy and dogmatic pronouncements. Three areas in which, in fact, it is difficult to find much more of a flaw.
A lthough the watchful eye of the end nodes are mathematical to roost. Historical inconsistencies, logical and moral emerge gradually, making it increasingly small and fragile the raft on which the poor Catholic refuge, shot to death. The conclusion, of course, is the longed-for triumph of rationalism on the ugly and illogical Catholic religion. But what has prompted an atheist and rationalist to get mixed up in such a speech?
Wanting to reveal the absurdity of some statements of the Catechism, Odifreddi demonstrates how easily adopt the same logic some lies are easily exposed, and in this way, however, he does-perhaps intentionally-even the same lightness of the Catechism and drew conclusions opposite, but equally simplistic. With this operation he considers to eradicate from people's heads, with the same alleged religious nonsense brutality with which some part of the Catholic Church (unfortunately always been the most visible and powerful) seeks to inculcate. However, although the allegations are always accurate and well-motivated, being carried by an outside perspective often lacking in historical and critical contextualization, finding fertile ground in which rooting largely in ignorance of the Catholic people, under the eye of the ugly high hierarchies. This is especially visible in the Old Testament criticism, but not all.
The optimal operation of the book, in my view, is to bring attention to the numerous inconsistencies on which the Catholic tradition and sensibility, to bring a bit 'of rationality in a context in which ignorance and superstition still rife guilty. As a Catholic rational and updated wondering out loud that you take note of the open questions and try to give them good answers and convincing, even if it means rethinking the whole experience from the Catholic and Christian foundations.
The attitude that the Catholic Church had taken since Vatican II (and this sometimes seems to be acknowledged by Odifreddi) proved the most interesting, because it was going to dismantle quell'impianto defensive creed, authoritarian and trivializing that characterized Church of the century Previous to the benefit of an approach historically and hierarchically liberal critics (at least on paper). It was like finally to distance itself from centuries of oppression and violence in the Catholic Church is indelibly stained. It would have been a great start, but it was the swan song: But the winds of renewal that has invested in the short term some areas of the Catholic Church was quickly soothed by a quiet and painstaking restoration, very short-sighted.
The fact that a Catholic is the twenty-first century needs of rationality and needs to hear an evolution of ideas in his religion. It's time to cut ties with a religion based on consensus and uncritical acceptance of lies. That all Odifreddi is causing them, then, and be thanked for this, but theologians are provided to give them good answers and, at last! - Credible. If the Catholic dogmatic baggage is closed, so it is not the search for truth. We need to continue that dialogue, tight and deep, involving also the secularists and atheists. Someone will listen.
We look forward to: the lack of night yet?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Muse Space Dementia Piano Sheet
Summary Tackenza Crew presents:''Some people say that ..
Mekoslesh aka SleshBeatz hosted
by: Bomber Citro
''Some people say that .. Mixtape''is the conclusion of''Some people say that ..''
ep released in January of 2009 and includes pieces published, unpublished and numerous collaborations
well as a couple preview of''''Slice of Life, my first album which is still
2.In the top of my scale values \u200b\u200b(myspace exclusive)
3.Massima drunkenness ft.MassimaTackenza
4.Avrei should have guessed (prod.Allday)
5.E went away ft.Dutch (prod.Sleshbeatz)
6.Il my rap (freestyle) 7
. Some say it rmx (prod.James cell)
8.Buchiamo the firewall (myspace exclusive)
9.Where feel ft.Fratelli quintal
10.Vuoi express ft.Mish (prod.existenz) PREVIEW
11.Dangerous (myspace exclusive)
12.Attaccabrighe (Skit)
13.Questa RMX ft.BomberC (prod.Sleshbeatz)
14.Più ft.Fore in there, Clara, Santiago (prod.Sleshbeatz)
15.Nati to fight ft.Misto steelo
16.Il perfect trinomial (prod.Sleshbeatz) (myspace exclusive)
17.La my life hanging by a thread (prod.Sleshbeatz) PREVIEW
18.Society is brainwashed RMX ft.Dek [line]
19.A bare hands ft.MassimaTackenza (prod.Existenz)
20.Non know me (myspace exclusive)
21.Ogni day, minute, second ft.Buzz (prod.Sleshbeatz)
22.Per ft.Skala now, Nitro, Big Tom, Kane, Glue, Pandora boxes (prod.Sleshbeatz)
23.Checca *** are you doing?! ft.Sambeclick (myspace exclusive)
24.troppe little attention ft.Azot one (prod.Devas)
25.Capitolo closed
26.Outro (prod.Devas)
BONUS TRACK_Giro death pt II ft.L.Ace, Atos one, Tejaman, MassimaTackenza
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Pokemon Emerald Cheats
A advertising Danone yogurt made me reflect on charity: the slogan has been promised a pot of rice to Haiti to each package of yogurt purchased. Let us briefly understand what it means.
First data: Since the cost of rice has started to rise (around 2003) European farmers have begun to expand eastward, particularly buying abandoned paddy fields in Romania after Ceausescu's death (1989).
According given : 2005 was a turning point for the Italian rice, because he felt the impact of EU enlargement to include ten new countries because consumers and the reform of EU rules , known as CMO rice, led to a decline in prices of raw product. Incidentally, since 2007, Romania is member of the EU, which has reduced the cost of transport.
Third given in the last six months in Italy, although the largest producer of rice in Europe, has recorded the fall in prices, which fell below the cost of production, export of certain varieties or salads.
Last given : Danone, the world's leading manufacturer of yogurt, reported in the first half 2010 net profit of 848 million euro, up by 10.1% over the same period 2009 . Revenues rose 7% to 8.36 billion (+6.9% in the second quarter).
can not know the origin of rice promised by Danone, then there may be no relationship of data on those on rice and yogurt, however, the parallels are interesting, because it seems a good time for anyone who wants to buy rice in large quantities. Danone also shows that the site through this operation is a non-profit organization able to mobilize large fundraisers. All in all, therefore, the alleged publicized charity does not seem nothing more than an opportunity for easy money and very popular outlet, with little effect on the economy of Haiti, which does not improve, or allow Haitians to be more well-off will have some beneficial effect will last as long as the effect of this promotion, but nothing structural. The most immediate effect may be wash the conscience of those who will spend a few Euros for a yogurt, and donate a few cents for a plate of rice. Saving people is always a good thing, but it is more useful to try to eliminate the causes of poverty, before resorting to a charitable facade.
Bon appetit!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Mv42v1.3 Driver Motherboard
Summary Tackenza Crew presents:
post sert ep 2010
Post sert''ep''was conceived and recorded between 2009 and 2010 and anticipates working on the album''Towards the
'immortality''illustrious collaborations that will see both as regards
ft. that with regard to the productions.
this epic is presented as a project unto itself, a unique chapter
developed in 7 tracks full of insight and metrics unconventional solutions.
Recorded and mixx by Mekoslesh parallel to one another through home study (Padova).
Master Bdr by the ISO study (San Donà di Piave).
Photography Miani Clara (Clara carmen).
Graphics Wairaki De La Cruz
01.Intro (prod.SleshBeatz)
02.Mi dip in the wind (prod.SleshBeatz)
03.Dammi ft.Evergreen confidence, Dutch (prod.SleshBeatz)
04 . cheeky smile (prod.Iso)
05.Tu where are you? ft.Gome z, L-sea (prod.Existenz)
06.Pecora black (prod.SleshBeatz)
07.Io stay here (prod.SleshBeatz)
Bonus track: I
o8.Lo ft.Sambeclick (prod.SleshBeatz )
09.Questa ft. Mekoslesh (prod.SleshBeatz)
10.Elevazione ft.Fore, Arzon (prod.Tacash)
LINK ALTERNATIVE: 28MassimaTackenzaCrew% 2920%
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Hydrostream Boats For Sale
OPENING: Saturday, July 31, 19:00 h
Corso Vittorio Emanuele III No 61
by Francesco Monteleone
The first appointment GLAM! starring the artist Emanuela De Notariis.
In his works live and surreal fairy-tale elements that convey a sense of calmness and anxiety, of fragility and strength. His figures, but to keep alive with a slight feeling of anxiety, living in an abstract dimension and subtle, and involves gently tapping the unconscious imagination of the beholder.
In all his work, drawing and painting to performance, irreverent and ironic connotations make his work an 'intriguing seesaw between harshness of the real and the imaginary light. The use of very different size and color, which is used in abundance, or in the design, which gives way to an elegant black and white, help to create an aura of charm around the work. As if it were small fragments of dream.
(Frank Monteleone)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Mount And Blade Trainer Instant Battle Win
days ago, speaking with a journalist friend of mine, is reflected views on some publicity recently.
Does An Enlarged Spleen Hurt
idea by Emanuela De Notariis
art and fashion forge a more indissoluble bond, in which the boundaries between the both of them tend to disappear and the convergence of a IN another.
The dress is no longer seen as ephemeral element of social distinction, but as a tangible expression of a personal way of being and living. Acquiring meaning at the very moment when it is worn.
art retains its connotation fantastic, beyond the contingency, but at the same time takes a practical sense, because it draws the everyday world, using innovative techniques and forms and irreverent.
The link between the artist and the designer is the constant and continuous creation of original models, ranging between tradition and innovation, interacting directly with our daily life and our emotions.
The project GLAM! born with the aim of combining art with fashion, in a location usually intended to 'exclusive display of clothing, the boutique Et & Marianne at Termoli, in which he proposes a series of exhibitions of works by young artists. Combining them with clothing, as in eccentric fashion show haute couture. The coexistence of clothing and artwork provides the combination of the two universes, with elegance and refinement of shapes, sewn, drawn, sculpted or painted. Two worlds united by a common desire to enhance the intrinsic meaning of the object, live / work of art, even when it is decontextualized. And both an expression of creativity, which becomes part of life and identity of the buyer.
In each of the events GLAM! you create a physical encounter between the two polarities of the fashion system and the art system, which combine to give the viewer a unique mix of exciting shades of color, exciting atmosphere sensory, ambiguous and intense discussions between the desire to be and appear . How were the lush streams of pure energy, enthusiasm and participation that transmit to the observer.
Francesco Monteleone
historian and curator of contemporary art
GLAM! 1: Emanuela De Notariis
GLAM! 2: Nicola Macolino
inform tions:
Et & Marianne
Corso Vittorio Emanuele III, 61
tel 0875 714 116
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Ichy Skin After Stomach Flu
Sadness is a feeling alive, that is lived and expressed. Those who live their sorrow has courage, because around the packaging of an impersonal world that it would win every time. Who weeps says a new world, made up of true and deep feelings, where people have the courage to bury the dead parts of themselves and evolve and get back to laughing again, not always run in a circle around an idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves .
"And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The Dreams In Which I'm dying Are the
best I've ever had.
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very very
Mad world
Mad World "
Gary Jules - Mad World
Thanks to Luca for the wonderful and profound interpretation Mad World
Friday, June 25, 2010
What Does An Enlarged Uturus Mean
Over the years our minds have been used to swallow everything, never assimilate: the killings, torture, disease, disaster. Like after a particularly heavy meal, you are then slowly asleep, to try to help metabolic processes to digest all that heaviness. Over time, we were so immersed in their own torpor that gently rocked us, but we are increasingly isolated from each other. We found ourselves at the end in a kind of collective sleep in which each was isolated from its neighbor.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Ship Diagram With Labels
Ghettoguzman New Single, Brindisi group emerging in this track flanked by Mekoslesh to the microphone and production!
to download the single:
How To Congratulate New Baby Funny
first single extracted from citrus bomber'' post sert''ep out soon!
the track was produced by iso concrete beats
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Gii Nii Digital Frame
I have ambivalent feelings towards An Education. On the one hand the film is vaguely feel-good, we trim Moralina a happy ending and a final book that even the heart, and generally develops models of the characters rather than actual sending to hell compassion, empathy and all these beautiful things that people watch Say Anything. There are some very good players, of course, Carey Mulligan, Alfred Molina, and above all, but the feeling is that their performance, especially that of the protagonist, is also more functional to the tone of the film than to sketch the profile of Jenny his father and so on. The film takes its characters and not vice versa, and if it can go well in other contexts, it seemed that I really do not pay at this.
On the other hand, I felt strangely called into question on various issues arising from the film here and there in a not too sophisticated, as the litigation hedonism vs. respectability, the why, the how and about Because the acquisition of cultural knowledge / experience, and another series of things that basically summarize in horror as most likely to achieve if tomorrow I met Jenny despise her, which inevitably makes me a shitty person.
When a mediocre film embarrasses me in this way the feeling is more or less to some piece of shit when I beat a KOF without even knowing how to make a Wave power only by dint of tripping, and I was wriggling into a corner in a vain attempt to make a desperation move more crap as possible (that this post would be metaphorically) in those terrible moments are torn between the conflicting solutions to the bend dominant logic or perish with honor, and usually end up alienating to the skies in unholy exclamations, proof of the miserable condition in which my bulky self-esteem. An Education
not led me to these reprehensible extremes, but it is a film that makes me feel stupid because to feel smart, and I can not wait to forget I ever saw.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Little Veins On My Chest
Sita Sings The Blues is a small gem animation directed by Nina Paley that bounces between the legends of India and the States in the name of a contemporary "feminism" home-made, vintage pop music and a certain amount of pop cialtroneria which is good.
The story of the film is divided in four levels, namely an Indiana legend, a dimension in which three of the (?) Comment on the incident, a modern history roughly parallel to that mythical, a lot of weight and also of the musical interludes, each of these sides of the film is shown with a different graphic style, always very stylized but brimming fantastic colors and effects, which themselves have kept busy for my eyes not altogether remarkable life.
Freed from a market logic that has strangled the creativity for decades, a lot of contemporary animation has left unbridled imagination of filmmakers in the last period, and the results were not slow in coming, as in this is just fantastic kaleidoscope of 'in styles his strength, both from a graphical point of view from that of narrative, with curious characters between entr'actes committed to dissect the facts of history that alone are worth the price of the ticket and they might have a weight, even more, perhaps sacrificing some of the music that share a frequency, again, even excessive. SSTB is intelligent, fun, colorful and even vaguely in focus from an emotional point of view, there really is no reason why it does not need to find.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Cover Letter Example Doesn't Have Name
Not only did it take a year to get it out in the hall (in the U.S. only for now), it took me several months to remedy a decent torrent, subtitles, and to date there are only in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish, and this despite the doom could not stop myself from watching Rick Linklater's latest film, which, of course, proved to be a half alone.
Zac Efron plays a kid who finds himself involved in the production of Giulio Cesare Mercury Theater under the despotic supervision of a young Orson Welles, NY in a pre-Citizen Kane and pre-war.
Now, I do not know if in fact the era of classic Hollywood had been banned from America seriously pastel colors and all were dressed only in ocher and burgundy, cream, brown, gray and so on, but I know for sure I broke the balls of this type of stereotyping that leaves photo from Radio Days and Purple Rose Of Cairo, passing through, I do not know, Far From Heaven and come here without restraint to annoy our eyes, fuck, even the poster is not so! Very annoying
also tended to keep the car on the move and strolls to the floor of the rooms in sequence, just to make the director aware of, and between one thing and another Visually the film is tedious, banal, redundant, and if there was Claire Danes in the first part, before her character becomes a bitch, literally lights up the screen with every movement of his upper lip, half would be disaster. His
actorial and other benefits (not to Zac Efron, who should be much more Dobbler Lloyd and instead is a dandy cast on) pop up a little 'things, and generally as a celebration of the magic of the movie theater is nice / interesting and culminates in a beautiful sequence of representation that is cathartic as required and also looks good, but overall the movie is neither particularly sweet and addictive nor brilliant / funny; maybe the expectations are particularly severe since the film is easily watchable-but-short, Linklater has made us accustomed to other standards, it seems fair to point out when it reaches them.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Who Is The Hottest Internet Model
recently that old trombone Roger Ebert published a intervention on his blog that "clarified" its position in the last debate, "video games and art" that was sparsely expressed in recent years with fleeting comments various locations. Anyone who gives even look at the article will become fully aware that the concentration of bullshit contained therein makes it inadvisable to even groped a coherent answer (his experience with video game stops a promotional video of some games seen on youtube), and that it could hold a maximum of insults for his pedantic sarcasm, but since this is a serious blog, I'll leave from his old account to try to explain because I hate anyone who tries to tell me what is art and especially what is not.
This is the quotation marks: Their Video games by nature require player choices, Which is the opposite of the strategy of serious film and literature, Which Requires authorial control.
I find this statement very disturbing for a number of reasons. In his ignorance about the mechanisms of the medium, not to Ebert even goes to her that a) games that require decisions by the player who must then affect the unfolding of the rest of the game are in the minority b) even in cases where it is true, whatever choice is still inscribed in a fixed framework in which an old fat guy, if he had fewer prejudices, could find the coveted stamp of authorship.
But I want to get out of this thought pattern because frankly I find it very interesting little talk about art, or to stay comfortably on a more generic term, of human expression, as if I give a damn about the relationship between work and the author between work and other works, and in general between work and anything that is not me, caging them, as I have defined "expressions Human tying considerations sometimes interesting, sometimes less on a range of issues such as authorship, the historical perspective tells me not because I find most moving one spot of the final Barilla Casablanca (on merits of the first, it is clear ). What is the advantage in trying lantern with qualitative differences between Citizen Kane, Monkey Island and a commentary Cerqueti-baths? And I could also add to the list of pizzeria pizza at Via dei Durantini umbra, playing darts or piece of music that departed after scoring a goal in PES2, just to clarify how these boundaries that demarcate different textures in the various fields of human experience are fictitious and fraudulent, whether openly professed is implied if good-naturedly. The human tendency to want to distinguish up from down, the beautiful from the ugly right from wrong and so is primarily expressed in religions, ideologies and moral principles, but this will to prioritize ontologically literature, South American cuisine, pornography iPhone apps and, staring into the rock than those that may be personal bias, is a manifestation of that impulse had panic attack "The Stars Are So Big ... I Am So Small ... Do I stand chance? " in the words of Coyne, who is also understandable, but that could be exorcised in ways less pathetic. Less pathetic, for example, the subdued laughter of ridicule welcome to my upcoming post on the similarity between the relationship Elisabeth / Alma in Persona and the Sheldon / Leonard in The Big Bang Theory wistfully titled: "Ah, if Nykvist worked on sit-com ...".
Try to distinguish art from non-art by the fleas of one or other form of expression for the traits that distinguish it ultimately reveals a vision of reality that class is not only stupidly snobbish, but it is also a attempt, which unfortunately is also often successful, to use as books and DVD clubs in the struggle for social acceptance and of themselves, in spite of the authors, and all references meta____ bandwagon.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Preparation H On Your Waist
Savior is looking nu Guaglione who has two lives, the summer and winter ("like a mattress"). The first passes like the boatman in his Ventotene, the second as a bricklayer, in black, in nearby Formia. His life goes on without any major events until he meets Martin, a Genoese who would change his life. The ingredients for the usual post-adolescent romantic melodrama, there are nearly all, the film actually runs quite well, either sympathy for the (anonymous term, but apt for the character) of the protagonist, also want the beauty of the place. Mind you, there are phrases like "and for this I realized that I love you", and it does not is unbearable. Remains on the issue of dead white background (interesting reflection on the final color of the dead) that even if the end be decisive for the history was only marginally. We would have insisted more. Ultimately better than one might expect if you watch the trailer, however, as it looked worse after the first half hour. You can do but you may not do.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Fixing Black Tattoo With White Ink
post record third name change for Dan Snaith confirming the very song-oriented direction of Andorra, switch on, however, beats & synths and leaving a little 'aside the psychedelic ramblings of his predecessor.
Bel disc, several excellent pieces, others more transitory -Not just filler, by-Fairly short and compact, easy listening, if you like this kind of electronic pop style Knife, Junior Boys, things like that, Swim for you.
but I felt a certain weariness in listening, fatigue saturation, and mine, both in general and music like that, that has now eclipsed the various ____s as The scourge of the new millennium, and I imagine that will be replaced by some other short strand-crab (the Fleet Foxes, Grizzly Bear seems like a good candidate).
Swim is just tired in the sense of twilight, late, decadent, nell'accezione historical terms, so if those are animals that spend their nights at the Artists' Club or the Mads and have not yet decided what will be your next favorite musician would do well to give him a chance, there could have been worse. / Sfregioabuffomodeoff
Monday, April 12, 2010
A Welcome Letter/ Catholic Church
Ewan McGregor is charged with writing a memoir of Pierce Brosnan who is a former British prime minister, and the process is obviously aware of a number of background on the life and political activity of statesman, is this, in a nutshell, the premise of The Ghost Writer, last (in every sense I suppose, given the implications of the news) Polanski film.
The system is basically that of the spy movie, and despite the interpretations of school protagonists have reduced I-Miss Cross a careerist bitch, 'ste merde-two hours straight are pretty good interweaving without jolts nor big falls.
However, there are several things that drag the film to below the line after which you can claim to have their seven euro well spent.
The blend of suspense spy and a generous dose of pseudo-biting humor British bankruptcy, forcing the film to keep a foot in both camps with results similar to those of the third and disastrous exit English Woody Allen, Cassandra's Dream, and it bringing in its soundtrack, which would be distressing, but not too much, and instead seems simply taken accidentally by a film of Harry Potter, or the trash Danny Elfman, to want to be generous.
The thing that bothered me though is how the film takes place not so much on current events political history alluded to in a romantic and very vague, but rather on the people, or rather the character of Brosnan, model without too many congratulations to Tony Blair.
Now, I'm not a particular supporter of the aforementioned, but I find some shit to cover improper motivation on time and without resorting instead to a revival of the fictional events that leverage is very popular sentiment these days that it was the British prime minister raises. Remission
permanently with another couple of factors: on the one that is at the heart of a story in which many people took positions to fuck a dog instead of being one's own business (AKA Roman P.), I did not expect so manipulative treatment and cut with an ax of the human story of a person in the film is not even considered for what has done, given the nature of fictional narrative, but rather for the public figure who is, and for forms that have been put on me, the most pathetic thing is that behind this summary rubbish, you can see a certain amount of patriotism negative as if the author (the book, this time) claims the world's eyes on his little island which is now more talk about him for the fuck of Terry than anything else. Remember-seems to be the warning of the film James Bond, Jack the Ripper and Lady Diana were all British, are not invented cocks Stieg Larsson, Tony Gilroy, or who for them.