Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mount And Blade Trainer Instant Battle Win

Advertising can be "good"? Mad world

days ago, speaking with a journalist friend of mine, is reflected views on some publicity recently.
What I did notice is that some advertising to promote the product using for messages,
that seemed, well, "bearers of hope" and encouraged to draw on their resources to make a positive change in the reality that surrounds us.
spots in question can see them here and here.
It strikes me that you have chosen this type of message over another in a defined period of crisis is an understatement.
course, to invite must have the confidence to spend, and this may be an answer.
to spend But you can also rely on fear, sull'ingordigia on sexual desire ....
So back to the topic of our discussion: why you chose this type of message carrier rather than another? Why has relied on hope, the courage to take risks on a 'social ethic "(pass me the word, please!), on following your dreams and you are not pushed on trying at all costs more in benefits if themselves or the quality of the product?
Mind you, I do not think that these advertisements are exempt from criticism, indeed.
For example, the commercials that relate to the bank were even withdrawn because of the controversies that were aroused.
But the point of my reflection is, at this time of crisis the fact that in urging you to buy a product points on creativity, hope and commitment about the "social" is a fraud to the detriment of the usual poor or a good sign? Or it means nothing?
I hope it is a good sign, but who knows what he thinks the reader.


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