Friday, April 16, 2010

Preparation H On Your Waist

# 6 Seaside

Savior is looking nu Guaglione who has two lives, the summer and winter ("like a mattress"). The first passes like the boatman in his Ventotene, the second as a bricklayer, in black, in nearby Formia. His life goes on without any major events until he meets Martin, a Genoese who would change his life. The ingredients for the usual post-adolescent romantic melodrama, there are nearly all, the film actually runs quite well, either sympathy for the (anonymous term, but apt for the character) of the protagonist, also want the beauty of the place. Mind you, there are phrases like "and for this I realized that I love you", and it does not is unbearable. Remains on the issue of dead white background (interesting reflection on the final color of the dead) that even if the end be decisive for the history was only marginally. We would have insisted more. Ultimately better than one might expect if you watch the trailer, however, as it looked worse after the first half hour. You can do but you may not do.


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