Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who Is The Hottest Internet Model

I do not manipulate public opinion and not a sample of primetime

recently that old trombone Roger Ebert published a intervention on his blog that "clarified" its position in the last debate, "video games and art" that was sparsely expressed in recent years with fleeting comments various locations. Anyone who gives even look at the article will become fully aware that the concentration of bullshit contained therein makes it inadvisable to even groped a coherent answer (his experience with video game stops a promotional video of some games seen on youtube), and that it could hold a maximum of insults for his pedantic sarcasm, but since this is a serious blog, I'll leave from his old account to try to explain because I hate anyone who tries to tell me what is art and especially what is not.
This is the quotation marks: Their Video games by nature require player choices, Which is the opposite of the strategy of serious film and literature, Which Requires authorial control.
I find this statement very disturbing for a number of reasons. In his ignorance about the mechanisms of the medium, not to Ebert even goes to her that a) games that require decisions by the player who must then affect the unfolding of the rest of the game are in the minority b) even in cases where it is true, whatever choice is still inscribed in a fixed framework in which an old fat guy, if he had fewer prejudices, could find the coveted stamp of authorship.
But I want to get out of this thought pattern because frankly I find it very interesting little talk about art, or to stay comfortably on a more generic term, of human expression, as if I give a damn about the relationship between work and the author between work and other works, and in general between work and anything that is not me, caging them, as I have defined "expressions Human tying considerations sometimes interesting, sometimes less on a range of issues such as authorship, the historical perspective tells me not because I find most moving one spot of the final Barilla Casablanca (on merits of the first, it is clear ). What is the advantage in trying lantern with qualitative differences between Citizen Kane, Monkey Island and a commentary Cerqueti-baths? And I could also add to the list of pizzeria pizza at Via dei Durantini umbra, playing darts or piece of music that departed after scoring a goal in PES2, just to clarify how these boundaries that demarcate different textures in the various fields of human experience are fictitious and fraudulent, whether openly professed is implied if good-naturedly. The human tendency to want to distinguish up from down, the beautiful from the ugly right from wrong and so is primarily expressed in religions, ideologies and moral principles, but this will to prioritize ontologically literature, South American cuisine, pornography iPhone apps and, staring into the rock than those that may be personal bias, is a manifestation of that impulse had panic attack "The Stars Are So Big ... I Am So Small ... Do I stand chance? " in the words of Coyne, who is also understandable, but that could be exorcised in ways less pathetic. Less pathetic, for example, the subdued laughter of ridicule welcome to my upcoming post on the similarity between the relationship Elisabeth / Alma in Persona and the Sheldon / Leonard in The Big Bang Theory wistfully titled: "Ah, if Nykvist worked on sit-com ...".
Try to distinguish art from non-art by the fleas of one or other form of expression for the traits that distinguish it ultimately reveals a vision of reality that class is not only stupidly snobbish, but it is also a attempt, which unfortunately is also often successful, to use as books and DVD clubs in the struggle for social acceptance and of themselves, in spite of the authors, and all references meta____ bandwagon.


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