Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pokemon Emerald Cheats

Yogurt Rice

A advertising Danone yogurt made me reflect on charity: the slogan has been promised a pot of rice to Haiti to each package of yogurt purchased. Let us briefly understand what it means.
First data: Since the cost of rice has started to rise (around 2003) European farmers have begun to expand eastward, particularly buying abandoned paddy fields in Romania after Ceausescu's death (1989).
According given : 2005 was a turning point for the Italian rice, because he felt the impact of EU enlargement to include ten new countries because consumers and the reform of EU rules , known as CMO rice, led to a decline in prices of raw product. Incidentally, since 2007, Romania is member of the EU, which has reduced the cost of transport.
Third given in the last six months in Italy, although the largest producer of rice in Europe, has recorded the fall in prices, which fell below the cost of production, export of certain varieties or salads.
Last given : Danone, the world's leading manufacturer of yogurt, reported in the first half 2010 net profit of 848 million euro, up by 10.1% over the same period 2009 . Revenues rose 7% to 8.36 billion (+6.9% in the second quarter).

can not know the origin of rice promised by Danone, then there may be no relationship of data on those on rice and yogurt, however, the parallels are interesting, because it seems a good time for anyone who wants to buy rice in large quantities. Danone also shows that the site through this operation is a non-profit organization able to mobilize large fundraisers. All in all, therefore, the alleged publicized charity does not seem nothing more than an opportunity for easy money and very popular outlet, with little effect on the economy of Haiti, which does not improve, or allow Haitians to be more well-off will have some beneficial effect will last as long as the effect of this promotion, but nothing structural. The most immediate effect may be wash the conscience of those who will spend a few Euros for a yogurt, and donate a few cents for a plate of rice. Saving people is always a good thing, but it is more useful to try to eliminate the causes of poverty, before resorting to a charitable facade.
Bon appetit!


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