Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pain Disorder Of Sale Lady

The answer is blowin 'in the web

But yes, if it is to do some 'publicity to a few friends is always a pleasure ... if then these friends will share the goals, then the question becomes more interesting. Here then is the first network to offer entirely free of free journalism. It's called OpenJournalist and allows to anyone who signs up to improvise a journalist. Like a game? No! As a newspaper.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe network is not open a gym for aspiring journalists, but to allow anyone with good ideas and communication skills to publish articles. course, with these assumptions is not always easy to be able to offer a quality journalistic product, nor is it intended to convey the message that of vox populi vox . But the vagueness is sometimes the price to pay for freedom of expression.
The network offers very strong possibility, but like all great tools be handled with care, especially with an open mind and always on. We believe that portals like this (as well as Agoravox ) provide an important service to the community, since they allow those who feel active citizen to exercise their right thinking.
as the motto of OpenJournalist:
The informed citizen can decide
uninformed citizens believe to decide.
uninformed and the best way to give orders

Happy reading!


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