Thursday, March 24, 2011

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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all the stitchers who bought my book and are a lot! And it appreciated! I'm just happy to have done a good job, and that has been helpful to many who did find an embroidery technique known, but very pleasant. But curiosity and hope to meet that demand increases.
I still remember that my book can be purchased online in the following shops: For
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

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Friday, March 18, 2011

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Monday, March 14, 2011

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Mark lib (e) ro

Friends of Bule - Blog de 'Pazzi give us the opportunity to meet us and tell us live Saturday, March 26, during Segnalib (e) ro, the independent publishing day.
The event will take place in the square C. Loriedo (Aniene Hills, Rome), from 10:30 to sunset.

The day is open to anyone wishing to discuss the issues of free information, web publishing and communication independently.
Anyone wishing to climb the tree with us can come and meet us at 15:30, when we have the opportunity to have a chat on the issues we care about most: freedom, complexity, individual, mass ...
We look forward to: bring the your ideas and let's do it ... fruit!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Where to buy the book

By popular demand, point out where you can buy my book online:;;;
If you are still in the catalog, wait a bit ', which will be soon.
Thank you and goodbye.

For resellers, contact me at: 0444512254.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Sims2 Pets Nodvd Blog

Tired but happy. NOTICE

Tired but happy. The presentation of my book at the show cleverly went very well, many embroiderers have enjoyed my project and those who knew the technique, who is the 'discovery was at the fair. I'm glad, because it is rewarding to see their work recognized and creativity. But I do not sleep on our laurels, because I already have in mind another "sensational" projects, which will at once begin the construction site. Meanwhile, thank
with all my heart the many stitchers who have given me so much confidence when you buy my book and Silvia de "The Frame" by Povolaro, I stayed in his stand.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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You are beauty (wishes for the March 8)

sparse hair, collected from the air and diligent student, the girl who sits in the seat right looks around a moment, before diving back into the thick dense conversation with her neighbor. The hour is late, just before dinner, and she holds in her hands photocopied handouts of the best, with emphasis disordered. The clothes are sporty, a little analysis, practical and comfortable. When she turns her gaze to the other patrons of the subway, the girl seems to be absent, lost, almost frightened, but when talk turns to her friend with her face lights up again, with a light that no one would expect. Her fine hair and neglected all of a sudden they look like a flowing hair, turns his face, his expression becomes frightened smile.

sits proudly on the seat next to a girl flashy and elegant. The thick and curly hair above a face made up with care and balance. The coat color is the same shoes and the bag, massive and refined. The sound of the train covers the sound of the voice, but when the screeching became quiet, reveals a dialect, not vulgar in any of the expressions that you are able to sense the buzz among the other passengers, but definitely not very scholarly. She continues with a commitment to discuss their arguments. As he speaks, he looks around with a curious air, looking for some complacent look, maybe male. In the worst cliche, the girl would be turned away with enough to scrutinize the fine colleague at his side, but fortunately something breaks expectations: it is right when he turns to his companion that his face lights up with interest.
The debate is passionate on both sides, although the noise of the car leaves consist of only a few words of futile arguments. However, the words we exchange the two are not the apparent form of a deep and lively communication, hidden from the others. The colleagues they look deep into their eyes and reflected a sense of unity that enchants. In their tune, they seem to emerge from the background noise superb declaring her femininity, without ostentation, but with passion. The unexpected beauty arises from a combination of two opposites, but so far so similar. What is their secret? Embroidery fabric which holds together disparate?
In that moment I contemplate as they live, as if they finally do not obsessively think about how much they miss being judged beautiful. At that moment they communicate surprisingly its existence. At that moment they embody the very essence of beauty. It's that moment that can give meaning to life and hope. It is the unconscious response and subdued the "if not now when?" shouted in the streets. It is the moment when two women recognize and rediscover each other. As an old slogan that read "I'm all others," they seem to declare: "I am you, I'm all the other", not to confusion but to solidarity.
"You're a woman," seem to passionately declare, "and you're beautiful."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

San Quintin Write To Prisoners

With the tricolor in the cu ...

I wonder how many of you, readers, will stay in the title of this post with three and the tp or two. It would be interesting to make a statistic. Maybe, if you halved s an that you, like me, the entire state is in a way that another. This time though, I'm sorry to disappoint you, there is little in what I will write half. And I wish to state that all opinions will be very personal.
The tam tam of these days the topic of the unification of Italy has given me much thought, as well as a strong sense of nausea. I guess continuing insistence by the media not have anything to envy to the insistence of strategies often used by the propaganda of dictatorial governments. And this is a first consideration.
The second is the insistence of content: the unification of Italy. A c ONTENTS certain innocence to those who wanted to be fed propaganda from the above, some people think / e. But are we really sure?
Well yes! I will answer those / Some lle s The superiority of the Aryan race, for example, is a hoax, invented something that would be passed to something real in order to achieve certain results. This thing is not applicable to the concept of unity of Italy.
Well, dear and dear Some s, I do not think so so.
To better explain what is my position on the much-vaunted unity of Italy, I borrow the words of Marco Binotto , researcher and associate professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of ' University of Rome La Sapienza. Writes the author: "Belonging to a nation is not only attributable to the simple sharing of a single cultural space or a similar system of ideas, signs, or language. It is also based on such a belonging to the same identity [...] This r ECOGNITION mutual, common apart enenza, is built through work imaginative and creative. As our personal stories from children who are victims of oblivion of memory, history, identity , nations "because they can not be 'remembered', be told" (B. Anderson , 1991 227). If, as noted by Etienne Balibar , "the history of nations [...] is always presented in the form of a story which gives them the continuity of a subject. The formation of the nation appears as the fulfillment of a 'secular project', marked by milestones and perceptions [...], but that are inscribed in an identical pattern: the manifestation of the personality self national "(E. Balibar, 1988, 96). In essence, the national history, as all the tales (mythical) is teleological . Describes a natural destiny, and with an intention, a project necessarily . The past is recalled in retrospect you already know the end and re-reading the course according to that result. His accomplishments highlight his reasons, the failures become easy in the setbacks common and straightforward way. This narrative not only accompanies the formation of the national imaginary-state, but contributes to the construction zi one of his "people". The way in which people produce themselves in terms of units is the source of political power. This institution can only be done by building an identity, a self-opposed, or rather constructed in contrast to an 'outside', a 'generalized other' (Mead GH ). "It must become a condition a priori of communication between individuals ('citizens') and between social groups, without suppressing all differences, but relativism and subordinating them to itself, so that the difference between' us' and 'foreign 'has the upper hand and is seen as irreducible. In order to transform the boundaries of individual personality in "external borders" (Fichte) a collective personality, the sites in order to perceive the state as "home." "(Coleman F., Grassi V., eds, 2007," Intercultural Communication ", p. 81 -82).
I apologize now for the long quote, but I think that illustrates the very important points for the argument I'm addressing here. Meanwhile, it seems, the discourse on national unity, for the author, but also for others he cites, is an act of creativity, something that no axes because a community of people have imagined that it should be and, just like the concept of Aryan race. The unity of a nation, the exaltation of their own country, the historical path that led to its creation are events whose meaning is socially constructed, not natural elements from which one can not ignore. In fact, those who decided what should be our nation's borders? I'm not natural. Not at all. They, like the borders of any nation, have been decided or table, or by bloody wars which have claimed countless lives. It has not always been the same for more. We read in the biography of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who was born in Nice. So it is not Italian? No, someone will respond, Nice is a city French. Yes, someone else will respond, Nice in 1807 was part of Italy ... or rather, Italy is still there ... it was part of the Republic of Genoa, and Italian. Good Martellone instead respond '' sti cocks! "I support him. In fact, these boundaries seem something quite arbitrary, but for which people die or make other or die. Someone / a can argue that they are the product of a process town. Absolutely. But Berlusconi's first mini STRO several years is the product of a historical process. And perhaps this should star and well and be accepted by all and all? I do not think.
Of course, those who are not fond of Italian Risorgimento when you studied in school? Indeed, just as we read in the lines quoted on, you are presented with the narration of a legendary destination that could not fail to be fulfilled. Think of the feelings on which to Sanremo Benigni has attempted to leverage in his exegesis of the hymn of Italy and of the protagonists of the Risorgimento, Garibaldi, Mazzini, and so on. They were my favorite historical heroes when I was in school. I made the examination papers, both elementary to middle, the Italian Risorgimento. These people had fought and died for an ideal, to ensure that today we could celebrate ... what? La Patria? United Italy? But if the battle had gone in another way? Perhaps today we are celebrating something else. But when you go to this school do not think, or maybe you do not make us think.
Sorry if I do not believe in heaven, I do not believe in nations, if they do not believe in borders. Just can not. I think they're only concepts referee ear that are passed to the necessary and inevitable, but are quite different. Binotto writes, are the source of political power. And to have something more harmful, because they make us who is perceived as an outside / a foreigner, not because it belongs to our nation, something which makes us lighter air the news of a tragedy because there are no Italian victims, or that makes us take minutes of silence for the Italian military / and dead / and "peacekeeping missions" and yawn at the news of yet another massacre in Palestine, something which, together with religion and money, is the contributing cause of most wars that exist in the world. Anything to where we are told to believe so that we too can stand up to defend the established power.
So my dear readers and my dear readers, Please do not be shocked if a noble rider like me, a viscount, do not take the flag in the heart ..
Good March 17 to all and all.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dr Suess Birthday Invites

Introducing Marcovaldo ...

guys we did it, I'm finally with you!

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In fair ability, which will be held March 3 to 6, in Vicenza, I will be in the stand of "The Frame" by Povolaro. To find me, come west from the entrance, turn left, are the first stand, n.411-412. Look there!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Freedom of educating for freedom and Complexity

You can educate for freedom? The problem is long standing and deeper than it may seem today. We live in a time of educational crisis, dominated by mass communication. However, we can no longer afford to neglect the issue of education because society and the individual have their roots there.
To understand the meaning of words (said Don Milani) there allows you to really understand, then be free: Etymologically, the word educate is to teach the opposite. Education is the act of pulling out, what Socrates called Socratic, in reference to the work of midwives. Instead, teach (not so different Insignia) means to impart a sign. In both cases you need to become conscious objective: to bring out to where? Print as a sign? Someone timidly starts to speak coherently of freedom, but here the circle is closed: you can train to freedom?

Education is apparently contrary to the principle of freedom, since it is an unequal relationship, which also makes use of coercive instruments. Precisely for this reason can be exercised only in certain phases of life and under appropriate conditions. The basic requirement is the consent, that is deep trust towards the educator. This constraint is to be developed at all stages of growth, because the power of choice is already active as children who are perfectly able to distinguish a credible teacher by a teacher not credible.
is not easy to develop this condition. In an age in which we live, the boys are at the heart of so many notices that a teacher can easily be contradicted or corrected or contradicted by its own students. We must always remember that children learn much more from the network of information around them than from any notions that they receive at school. That's why a teacher must be able not just to give information (teaching), rather to provide students with the tools to orient themselves in the communication network (educate). These tools are certainly the knowledge, but even more skills.
Since mid-last century is already beginning to understand this and personalities of the stature of Lorenzo Milani or Gianni Rodari have started to actively implement these principles in their school experiences. Wanting to broaden the horizon you can see a parent in their intuition Maria Montessori, who dedicated his life to think and live a new educational model. These examples would have been in vain if they were not supported by the commitment of thousands of teachers who patiently and quietly always try to pursue this model of school, and at the heart of the education and teaching the person.
leaves me dismayed that there are those who still can not understand the significance of all this, believing that these characters have brought nothing more than an "easy teaching, which has removed the ability to study . 'S latest book of Paola Mastrocola , in fact, recognizes this pedagogy (not easy, I can guarantee) the cause of the crisis of the Italian school, suggesting that escalation by Milani brings none other than the minister Gelmini. The important thing, he stresses, is to bring the study to the teaching center, in a statement trivializing the complexity of issues related to their study.
Those who work diligently in school knows how many changes have followed in recent years and how the teacher's role has been undermined. The words of Domenico Starnone the program "Come away with me " underscore the difficult time and we make you think. The school change because the generations change, year after year. The teacher is in crisis because, now more than ever, is but one voice among many. Contrary to what some think, educating and teaching professions are complex and the boundary between the two disciplines are increasingly blurred. Knowledge, skill, technique, but also credibility, empathy and ability to teach here is what is required of a teacher in 2011. All the rest are provocations, which are received and collected as challenges, but those who work in the school knows that it is always a simplification. What a teacher needs to do is keep the balance to become a credible model. The only way to rebuild the school, that finally becomes a free gym.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Recently I read an article in the latest issue of Wired a ' interview with Josh Klein speaks of the need to hack the social rules for a better world.

There is talk of ever increasing complexity of social systems and the fact that the responsibility to conduct the system falls on all individuals.

On the concept of hackers and content of the interview, maybe we'll come back in another post, I wanted to share some thoughts here and I have some conceptual links that are inspired by this sentence in the middle of the interview.
From this sentence I were born the first two reflections related to the complexity of the social system and the second related to the responsibilities of individuals.
Complexity orga reported that serves to "live" or "survive" a system or a type of social organization and "poitica" Understanding and responsibilities also in political and social life.

Here is the passage from the interview:

Q: Who decides what is wrong?

R: "This is a problem. In theory, there are organizations that try to understand it, but the increasing complexity makes a lot of responsibility falls on individuals, who must be able to understand what tools to use to judge the systems . "

Underlined text is the one that struck me and made me connect two things that were very distant at least for me.
The first connection I made was on the word complexity. The issue is that according to this theory, the arrival point at the end is the same, is how do you get that change.

Some 'time ago I had occasion to read a speech who made Ugo Bardi to Alcatraz in June 2009. Ugo Bardi is the president of ' ASPOItalia , an association that studies the peak oil.
In this conference there was talk of the collapse of the Roman Empire by finding similarities with the current situation.
In short, very simplified, the theory behind it is that a social system becomes more complex as it evolves until it can not make it to "support" this complexity because it consumes too many resources. And then the system collapses to find a simpler configuration that allows it to survive with the resources available.

We can only choose to make this more or less traumatic transition.

is where Klein's phrase made me take another connection: when he says that the responsibility falls on individuals.
This made me think anarchy is the second link that I did. Now I did not mean anarchy with chaos (if you want to know more you can see here , here and here ) but the absence of a central power. Absence power that causes people to be taking more responsibility .
Adopting the concept of Bardi (and beyond) and assuming therefore that our model of society is near collapse the question that arises is this: is possible that the transition is leading to the collapse of this system will lead to greater dissolution of a central government and greater individual responsibility? It is possible that the new company will be more "anarchist"?
And as you can get with a transition as painless as possible? And above all it is still possible for a smooth transition?
admit that this reasoning is a bit 'is a forced and especially my reasoning, but I wanted to share with you.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The book on "Broderie Suisse Italian style" Still

Here, the book has arrived!
This is the cover of my book on "Broderie Suisse Italian-style" consists of 24 projects with school boards and explain the stepper Photo points and its variations. I hope you enjoy it. The presentation will take place in Vicenza Fair to Cleverly held next March 3 to 6, stand "frame." Succcessivamente will be on sale at:;;

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Broderie Broderie suisse suisse

Still Broderie Suisse. This time I propose a basket bread basket, or tidy as you prefer. Presented here is orange inside and outside is beige, but changing the colors can be adapted to different functions. I hope you like it!

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Yet another project broderie suisse: a pot holder. Easy, fast and highly effective.
Soon will come the book, entitled: Broderie Suisse, the Swiss Italian-style embroidery. A job that I was very involved and enthusiastic, dedicated to all those stitchers who with their enthusiasm, have supported me!
you soon!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Here is a small project, a bookmark, to begin to try Broderie Suisse. And to use for a special book!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Friday, January 28, 2011

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Radioactivity in Friuli part 1: the territory

who knows the Friuli-Venezia Giulia knows that Italy is the gateway to many points of view. In past centuries has been the main entrance to the barbarian invasions ( by the Huns of Attila the Lombards ), but already even before the advent of human trafficking a preferred corridor for the migration of many species of animals from the Balkans. Finally, it has always been the entry point of the air currents from the East (the bora is a classic example of this last step). Each crossing leaves its mark: the people leave part of their cultural background and animals leave a genetic trace recognizable by experts, but the currents? We are not accustomed to think of the legacies of the wind, which we identify as a transient by definition. But sometimes the currents can carry a heavy luggage, anything but temporary.
is the case of the notorious toxic cloud that sprang from Chernobyl April 26, 1986 and invested, in addition to Ukraine, all of Europe. In Italy, the cloud came from the East, just from Friuli-Venezia Giulia . Universities and research institutions immediately began an in-depth monitoring of radiation that was discharged on the ground, through the direct study of the soil and some bodies. Among these fungi and lichens were privileged because they are bodies are very sensitive to changes in environmental conditions (1).
After three years of explosion, researchers at the University of Trieste and the S. Maria della Misericordia Udine measured in detail the distribution of radioactive cesium contamination in Friuli-Venezia Giulia from analysis of fungi (2). The study was carried out to understand what were the areas most affected by radiation, then the greatest need of health and environmental concerns. The study data were released after being correlated with data on the abundance of rainfall in the days following the explosion. It was discovered a strong relationship between the two measurements: in practice, it became clear that in areas where it had rained more in the ten days following the explosion was detected a higher concentration of radiation on the ground, absorbed by their own mushrooms.
The map obtained by monitoring, shown here on the side, shows quite clearly that the expected relationship existed: the peaks of rainfall (in red) meat and fell in Tarvisio, so even the highest concentrations of radiation ( always in red). It was now sadly clear that the rains of those days had led to the ground of the radiation of the cloud, making them penetrate the soil from which the bodies had absorbed.
Yet it seems that in this story there is the other. Although the authors of the study there is soffermino, we observe a peak in the map orange pretty evident, located outside the areas the most rainfall. If it is not related to the abundance of rain in the region, then the orange peak is not directly linked to radiation from the cloud rained. This means that there is some factor that does not contaminate the area by air. What could be the source of radiation that contaminates the area orange? Please note that in Italy not reported quarries uranium or cesium . Then we try to formulate some other hypothesis plausible.
The first hypothesis is that radiation is indirectly caused by the cloud. Friuli is the scene of a natural phenomenon well known to those who know a bit 'Geology of Italy, the springs . It lifts water rained down on the plains to the mountains and penetrated into the subsoil. The radioactive contamination of water in the mountains may have led then to a deep-water contamination that would then re-emerged on the plain. If so, however, we should see the distribution of radiation at the so-called end of the springs, the slope of the water line, which runs parallel to the coastline. However, superimposing the two maps of the areas do not match (see figure above). This is simply because the water that rain in the mountains need some time before re-emerging in the valley and this time, even if geologically brief, is quite long for our experience. We say that the radioactive poison rain in the mountains to the valley only emerges from a long time.
Excluding the geological factor, it may be interesting to investigate the presence of human beings in the area. Giving voice to the "blank paper" look at the last map that I propose, that the orange peak rises around a well-known town in the province of Pordenone Aviano.

Continued ...

(1) Nimis PL, 1996 - Radiocesium in plants of forest ecosystems. Study Geobotany, 15: 3-49. See also the extensive bibliography cited in this article.
(2) PL Nimis, Gasparo D., C. Young, R. Padovani, 1990 - Radiocontamination maps of Macrofungi in North-Eastern Italy (Friuli-Venezia Giulia) Following the Chernobyl accident. Gortana - Proceedings of the Friuli Museum of Natural History, 11 (1989): 119-126.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

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But not enough tits? The pace of life

Well well well .. bad bad bad or good or bad .. well .. bad bad or good .. (ok I can already say so on ..) In short, do some 'you, depending on how you started your new year. For me, my, I would have some difficulty in defining it. In any case, I hope that your start is better.
But other than that, I will now talk about something which I should like particularly. How
, some of our s many s readers and readers will have noticed, I, in spite of my name is The Cloven Viscount, instead use a language that is often doubled. Beyond the multiple rhyming, I mean that almost boring politically correct that they use in cases where a word can be expressed in the Italian language both male and female. And 'certainly a habit that weighs both the reading and writing a text, but it is a habit, to my way of seeing things, is not confined to mere formalities, but instead brings with it a meaning far from trivial.
I'm going to argue the claims.

Two American linguists and anthropologists, E. Sapir and B. Whorf, in the first half of the twentieth century, have enunciated the principle of linguistic relativity , also known as Sapir-Whorf hypothesis . This principle, very generally assumed that the language and the "grammar" have in any way the ability and the power to shape thought.
said it might seem a bit 'too much, and indeed the community's reaction science was not very different from the impression that this statement can be engendered among non-professionals: the strong version of this principle, namely linguistic determinism, the view was not sustainable at the empirical level, it would reduce the models patterns of thought and culture at the grammar of languages. For example, use two different pronouns for both men and women, could lead to conceiving the two genres as radically different, unlike the use of a pronoun may only promote a perception of equality between the sexes. However in reality this has not been found in all cases, and also bilingual people who know two grammatical systems different, and therefore should have two different thought patterns partners, are not schizophrenic.
Other criticisms have been leveled against this strong version of the principle of linguistic relativity, and some researchers and some researchers have thought of a weak version of the same principle: it argues that the grammatical system of a language, would not lead to a social order, but would facilitate the acceptance, however. Staying on the same example above, the grammatical distinction of gender, would not lead to an order characterized by male supremacy, but in some way facilitate the acceptance of differences and substantial disparities between the roles of men and women. However: Why then, even among those who speak languages \u200b\u200bthat has the distinction of grammatical gender, are advocates and supporters of the principle of equality between the sexes?
probably how this hypothesis can hardly receive a confirmation of thumb, as are so many components that can undergo a pattern of thought that only one isolate has less effect. However, consider that some element can somehow intervene to influence is another matter. The same
Sapir and Whorf were not supporters of linguistic determinism. They believed that the importance of language consisted in directing attention to certain aspects of the experience more than on others, and it was very difficult sometimes to separate the objective reality by linguistic symbols with which they indicate. If the language distinguishes between masculine and feminine words, it is easier that this distinction may appear to us as natural and objective even at the social level, as well as at the biological level, where the distinction is quite obvious. But I say: Do not gl'abbastavano tits?
This problem resulting debate has been raised at the time starting from a critique of the English language, in which there is a neutral for some time, while others do not. But what about the Italian language?
In our language, to my way of seeing things, the problem is the extreme. Indeed, if we can somehow justify even the grammatical distinction between masculine and feminine view of the marked difference in phenotypic (external expression of the gene pool) between the two sexes, I do not think you can do the same for what is happening in the Italian language. In our case, in fact, the absence of neutral terms, it makes up for using the term male, so there is only one difference, but a difference.
also not accepting the linguistic determinism of the above, and instead follow the more moderate of Sapir and Whorf, this seems a clear example of what you mentioned before, that is the direction of attention on a certain aspect of social experience, in this case a greater importance of male compared to female. Because of this and nothing else is: the male to the female subject. In my opinion, in light of the studies we discussed, this simple convenience of a grammar is appalling power.
Try to solve this riddle: A boy and his father make a car accident and his father is killed, while the child is rushed into surgery. In view of the patient but the surgeon says: "I can not operate! And 'my son. " How is it possible?
After a while 'to get there, especially in light of the speech here is facing. But I do not know a person who has come immediately. And that is sobering.
's why I try to write so that you always use both masculine and feminine when you can. I can not help thinking that somehow the use of men only by convention, is not tied to a subliminal sexism and patriarchy still alive today in our society, despite the many advances (often just a facade, unfortunately) who have made in this sense.
If we think a child or a child grow and learn our language, we can perhaps more easily imagine the contribution it can make such a grammatical convention perception of a difference between sexes, a contribution both hidden and masked impactful: the gender gap is in fact intrinsic to the Italian language, Italian language and is the primary means through which boys and girls learn to communicate with the rest of the people around him.
A similar argument could be made for the use of certain slang words where there are like "bitch" or "bitch" or even "queer". Because in fact use the terms as to offend people who are already discriminated against and exploited within the no your company? Because now you do not think words are entered in the common parlance, of which perhaps not even the case is the meaning when you say it. But a boy or a girl so that he perceives the meaning, and learn. Learns that certain words are offensive, and therefore identify people who may not be that little bit of good. Or learn that a prostitute is still a "slut." There are many other beautiful swear words were coined in our language, why not use them? And what about words like "badass" or "woman with balls'? I honestly prefer them without it!
So, in conclusion I believe that language has a lot of importance in the construction of some social perceptions, importance is often underestimated. Perhaps alone can not be so decisive, but if you put together a whole series of input we receive from the context, can make a decisive contribution in shaping the thinking of an individual, especially in training.
So dear readers and dear readers, if you will continue to follow the exploits of this gallant knight halved, you must endure some inconvenience to do so. But I believe that some discomfort can be tolerated if it is including, in my opinion, vital needs.
Happy New Year to everybody.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

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