Sunday, March 6, 2011

San Quintin Write To Prisoners

With the tricolor in the cu ...

I wonder how many of you, readers, will stay in the title of this post with three and the tp or two. It would be interesting to make a statistic. Maybe, if you halved s an that you, like me, the entire state is in a way that another. This time though, I'm sorry to disappoint you, there is little in what I will write half. And I wish to state that all opinions will be very personal.
The tam tam of these days the topic of the unification of Italy has given me much thought, as well as a strong sense of nausea. I guess continuing insistence by the media not have anything to envy to the insistence of strategies often used by the propaganda of dictatorial governments. And this is a first consideration.
The second is the insistence of content: the unification of Italy. A c ONTENTS certain innocence to those who wanted to be fed propaganda from the above, some people think / e. But are we really sure?
Well yes! I will answer those / Some lle s The superiority of the Aryan race, for example, is a hoax, invented something that would be passed to something real in order to achieve certain results. This thing is not applicable to the concept of unity of Italy.
Well, dear and dear Some s, I do not think so so.
To better explain what is my position on the much-vaunted unity of Italy, I borrow the words of Marco Binotto , researcher and associate professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of ' University of Rome La Sapienza. Writes the author: "Belonging to a nation is not only attributable to the simple sharing of a single cultural space or a similar system of ideas, signs, or language. It is also based on such a belonging to the same identity [...] This r ECOGNITION mutual, common apart enenza, is built through work imaginative and creative. As our personal stories from children who are victims of oblivion of memory, history, identity , nations "because they can not be 'remembered', be told" (B. Anderson , 1991 227). If, as noted by Etienne Balibar , "the history of nations [...] is always presented in the form of a story which gives them the continuity of a subject. The formation of the nation appears as the fulfillment of a 'secular project', marked by milestones and perceptions [...], but that are inscribed in an identical pattern: the manifestation of the personality self national "(E. Balibar, 1988, 96). In essence, the national history, as all the tales (mythical) is teleological . Describes a natural destiny, and with an intention, a project necessarily . The past is recalled in retrospect you already know the end and re-reading the course according to that result. His accomplishments highlight his reasons, the failures become easy in the setbacks common and straightforward way. This narrative not only accompanies the formation of the national imaginary-state, but contributes to the construction zi one of his "people". The way in which people produce themselves in terms of units is the source of political power. This institution can only be done by building an identity, a self-opposed, or rather constructed in contrast to an 'outside', a 'generalized other' (Mead GH ). "It must become a condition a priori of communication between individuals ('citizens') and between social groups, without suppressing all differences, but relativism and subordinating them to itself, so that the difference between' us' and 'foreign 'has the upper hand and is seen as irreducible. In order to transform the boundaries of individual personality in "external borders" (Fichte) a collective personality, the sites in order to perceive the state as "home." "(Coleman F., Grassi V., eds, 2007," Intercultural Communication ", p. 81 -82).
I apologize now for the long quote, but I think that illustrates the very important points for the argument I'm addressing here. Meanwhile, it seems, the discourse on national unity, for the author, but also for others he cites, is an act of creativity, something that no axes because a community of people have imagined that it should be and, just like the concept of Aryan race. The unity of a nation, the exaltation of their own country, the historical path that led to its creation are events whose meaning is socially constructed, not natural elements from which one can not ignore. In fact, those who decided what should be our nation's borders? I'm not natural. Not at all. They, like the borders of any nation, have been decided or table, or by bloody wars which have claimed countless lives. It has not always been the same for more. We read in the biography of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who was born in Nice. So it is not Italian? No, someone will respond, Nice is a city French. Yes, someone else will respond, Nice in 1807 was part of Italy ... or rather, Italy is still there ... it was part of the Republic of Genoa, and Italian. Good Martellone instead respond '' sti cocks! "I support him. In fact, these boundaries seem something quite arbitrary, but for which people die or make other or die. Someone / a can argue that they are the product of a process town. Absolutely. But Berlusconi's first mini STRO several years is the product of a historical process. And perhaps this should star and well and be accepted by all and all? I do not think.
Of course, those who are not fond of Italian Risorgimento when you studied in school? Indeed, just as we read in the lines quoted on, you are presented with the narration of a legendary destination that could not fail to be fulfilled. Think of the feelings on which to Sanremo Benigni has attempted to leverage in his exegesis of the hymn of Italy and of the protagonists of the Risorgimento, Garibaldi, Mazzini, and so on. They were my favorite historical heroes when I was in school. I made the examination papers, both elementary to middle, the Italian Risorgimento. These people had fought and died for an ideal, to ensure that today we could celebrate ... what? La Patria? United Italy? But if the battle had gone in another way? Perhaps today we are celebrating something else. But when you go to this school do not think, or maybe you do not make us think.
Sorry if I do not believe in heaven, I do not believe in nations, if they do not believe in borders. Just can not. I think they're only concepts referee ear that are passed to the necessary and inevitable, but are quite different. Binotto writes, are the source of political power. And to have something more harmful, because they make us who is perceived as an outside / a foreigner, not because it belongs to our nation, something which makes us lighter air the news of a tragedy because there are no Italian victims, or that makes us take minutes of silence for the Italian military / and dead / and "peacekeeping missions" and yawn at the news of yet another massacre in Palestine, something which, together with religion and money, is the contributing cause of most wars that exist in the world. Anything to where we are told to believe so that we too can stand up to defend the established power.
So my dear readers and my dear readers, Please do not be shocked if a noble rider like me, a viscount, do not take the flag in the heart ..
Good March 17 to all and all.


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